Online streaming services determine our way of music consumption and subsequently future cultures. To counter an unreflected understanding of music, we created a space for discussion and urban gathering as a day-night transformable music store in different adaptable sizes with touch screens. 

Inspired by skate parks as a place for social gathering, the music store is a modular installation, which can be placed in any public spaces such as train stations, shopping malls or inactive industrial warehouses. During the day it allows costumers to log-in via plug-in of individual headphones, where people can see what other people listen to inside the shop as a starting point for a conversation. 

In the night, foldable furniture with integrated touch screens can be stowed to gain place for cultural events. The biggest module includes a built-in stage, a bar, as well as a 3D-Print counter to get your favourite merchandise article from any band produced on the spot. 



New Design University 2013 - Shopdesign

Studio Master:

Erich Bernard

Christine Schwaiger

Neil Harkess

Project Authors:

Georg Popp

Lukas Kerschbaum