Commissioned by Lower Austria, a team of students of the New Design University were engaged to design a bookshelf tower for the "LeseUmWelt" project, which should fit in every library of the federal state. The task was to create a sustainable space for a flexible amount of books within a room varying in its size. It should attract all age categories. 

To fulfil the task, the tower can be plugged together in a few different settings to create space within space as the library requires. Due to its puzzle structure it gets lightweight and transparent as well as material-saving. 


LeseUmWelt - Land Niederösterreich 2012

Project Master: 

Alexander Hager

Project Authors:

Georg Popp, Marianne Köck, Manuel Weilguny, Claudia Wiesmeier, Benedikt Dekan, Elisabeth Napetschnig, Marc Eidler